viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018

A new life.-

Early Friday I was happily helping homeless people at the 14 th Sweet Law Center, thought not, of course, speaking as a lawyer when Arthur suddenly appeared at my door. I said hello nicely, thought I could not imagine what he wanted. He said no to coffee. He just wanted to talk.

Arthur said that the last few weeks had been the most difficult of his fifty six years as a lawyer. Drake and S was Ok again now, but he still could not sleep. He felt guilty about the death f Burton family  and he would never forget it. And he was tired of chasing money. I was too surprised to say much, sio I just listened, Arthur was suffering and I felt sorry for jhim.

He asked about the Law Center and the work we did. How long had tha Center been there ? How many people worked there ? Where did the money come from? This gave me an opportunity and I took it. I told Arthur taht because I could not work as a lawyer. I was starting a pro bono program. I was going to use lawyers would work a few hours a week and I would tell them what to do. We could reach thousands of homeless people.

Arthur liked the idea. As we discussed it, The program grew larger. After a few minutes, he was talking about sending all 400 of his W lawyers to do pro bono work for a few hours a week.

-Would 400 laywers be too many? Arthur asked.

-No I said But Ill need help from inside Drake and S .I know someone. He s at the Chcago office , but Im sure you can get him back.

As I had guessed. Arthur knew nothing about Héctor Palma or how he had helped me get the Rivers . Héctor would be back in W in a month., working with me.

Arthur stayed in my office for two hours. He was a much happier man when he left. He had a porpuse in life.I walked him to his car and then ran to tell Morcadei the good news. We could help as many homeless people as we needed us.

Megan s uncle owned a house near F enwick Island , right near the ocean, a perfect place for a weekend break.

We left W Friday afternoon .I drove and Megan told me where to go. And Ruby sat in the back seat , eating cookies, excited by the thought of spending a few days outside the city.

Megan had told me very clearly that there were  three bedrooms in her uncle s house -one for each of us.

It rained Saturday- a cold shower that blew in front the ocean . Megan and I sat and watched it out of the window , sitting close together on the couch.

-Where is our client? I asked.

-Ruby? Watching Tv What are you thinking ? she asked quietly-

Eveything and nothing. Thirty two days earlier I had been married to another woman, living in a difficult apartment and doing different wor. I did not even  know the woman where head was now on my shoulder . How could life change so much in a month?

-Iam thinking about  my new life -I said.

And we both smiled.-

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