jueves, 18 de enero de 2018

Jane Eyre.-

Mrs Reed Heard the noise and hurried into the room. She was very angry.

She did not seem to notice the blood on my head.

Jane Eyre, you bad girl, she shouted.

Why are you hitting your pour cousin ?take her away...take her to the red room and lock the door.

The red room was cold and dark. I was very frightened. Nobody ever went into the red room at night.

I cried for help but nobody came....Please, help me-I called Dont leave me here...

But nobody came to open the door. I cried for a long time and then everything suddenly went black.

I remember nothing after that.

When at last I woke up, I was in m bed. My head was hurting. The doctor was there.

What happened? I asked him.

You are ill, Jane, the doctor answered.

Tell me Jane...Are you unhappy here with your aunt and your cousins?

Yes, I am, I answered.I am very unhappy.

I see, said the doctor. Would you like to go away to school? he asked.

Oh, yes...I told him.

The doctor looked at me again and then he left the room.

He talked to Mrs Reed for a long time. They decided to send me away to school.

So not long afterwards, I left my aunt house to go to school.

Mrs Reed and my cousins were pleased when I went away,

Perhaps I will be happy at school, I thought.

One night in January, after a long journey, I arrived at Lowood School.

It was dark and the weather was cold, windy and rainy.

The school was very large but it was not warm and comfortable like Mrs Reed house.

A teacher took me into a big room. It was full of girls.

There were about eighty girls there.

The youngest girls were nine and the eldest were about twenty.  They all wore ugly Brown dresses.

It was supper time There was wáter to drink and a small piece of bread to eat.

I was thirsty and drank some wáter.

I could not eat anything because I felt too tired and too excited.

After supper all the girls went upstairs to bed.

The teacher took me into a very long room.

All the girls slept in this room.

Two girls had to sleep in each bed.

Early in the morning, I woke up.

It was still dark outside and the room was very cold.

The girls washed themselves in cold wáter and put on their Brown dresses.

Then everybody went downstairs and the early morning lesson began....

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