domingo, 28 de enero de 2018

Jane Eyre-4-

I felt very  excited when I arrived at T, Hall. The house was very large, but it seemed very quiet.

Mrs Fairfax met me at the door. She was an old lady with a kind face.

-sit down, Eyre-she said-you look tired after your journey.Later you will meet Adele.

-Is Adele my student?I asked.

-Yes, she is.She is French.Mr R wants you to teach her English.

-Who is Mr R?I asked.

Mrs Fairfax looked surprised.-Did you know now?T Hall belongs to Mr Rochester-she answered.-I only Works for him.

-Is Mr R here now'?I asked-

-No.He is away-He does not come ver often to T Hall.I dont know when he will return.

Later, I met Adele.

She was a pretty girl.I spoke to her in French and began to teach her English.

She enjoyed her lessons, and I enjoyed teaching her .

I liked Adele and I liked Mrs Fairfax too.

It was quiet at T Hall and sometimes I felt bored, but everyone was kind to me there.


martes, 23 de enero de 2018

Jane Eyre-3-

After a few months, many of the girls at Lowood School became seriously ill.

Lessons stopped and I and the other girls who were not ill spent all out time out in the fields near the school.

The weather was now warm and sunny.

It was a happy time for us, but my friend Helen Burns was not with us. She had to stay in bed. She was very ill.

One evening, I went to Miss Temple room. Helen Burns was lying there in a Little bed.

She was now very thin, and her face was White.

She spoke to me in a low voice.

-Jane-she said -It is good to see you. I want to say goodbye to you.

-Why?-I asked her-Are you going away?

-Yes, I am-Helen answered.-I am going far away-

That night she died.

During the summer, many other girls in the school died too.

MR B sold the school and it became a happier place.

I stayed in the school until I was eighteen and then I had to find a job.

I wanted to become a teacher.

I wrote a letter to a newspaper. I said I was a Young teacher, who wanted a job working in a family.

Then I waited for an answer.

At last, an answer came. It was from a lady, Mrs Fairfax, who lived at a place called Thornfield Hall.

She needed a teacher for a litttle girl.

So I packed my clothes in  a small bag and travelled there...

sábado, 20 de enero de 2018

Jane Eyre-2-

At last, it was time for breakfast. I was now very hungry.

We went into the dining-room with the teachers. There was a terrible smell of burning food.

We were all hungry, but when we tasted the food we could not eat it. It tasted terrible. Feeling very hungrey, we all left the dinning-room-

At nine o clock lessons began again. I looked round at the other girls.

They looked very strange in their ugly Brown dresses. I did not like the teachers. They seemed to be unkind and unfriendly.

Then at twelve o clock, the head teacher, Miss Temple, came in. She was very pretty and her face was kind.

-I want to speak to all the girls, she said.

-I know that you could not eat your breakfast this morning, she told us.

-So now you will have some bread and cheese and a cup of coffe, she said.

The other teachers looked surprised.

-I'll pay for this meal, Miss Temple said.

The girls were very pleased.

After this meal, we went out inot the garden. The girls Brown dreeses were too thin for the cold Winter weather.

Most of the girls looked cold.

One of the girls was Reading a book.

-Is your book interesting? I asked her.

-I like it, she answered.

-Does this school belong to Miss Temple? I asked.

-No, it does not, she answered. It belongs to Mr Brocklehrst. He buys all our food and our clothes.

The girls'name was Helen Burns.

She was older tan I was.

I liked her immediately. She became my friend.

Helen told me that many of the girls were ill because they were always cold and hungry.

Mr Brocklehurst was not a kind man.

The clothes he bought for the girls were not warm enough for the Winter, and there was never enough food for eat.

jueves, 18 de enero de 2018

Jane Eyre.-

Mrs Reed Heard the noise and hurried into the room. She was very angry.

She did not seem to notice the blood on my head.

Jane Eyre, you bad girl, she shouted.

Why are you hitting your pour cousin ?take her away...take her to the red room and lock the door.

The red room was cold and dark. I was very frightened. Nobody ever went into the red room at night.

I cried for help but nobody came....Please, help me-I called Dont leave me here...

But nobody came to open the door. I cried for a long time and then everything suddenly went black.

I remember nothing after that.

When at last I woke up, I was in m bed. My head was hurting. The doctor was there.

What happened? I asked him.

You are ill, Jane, the doctor answered.

Tell me Jane...Are you unhappy here with your aunt and your cousins?

Yes, I am, I answered.I am very unhappy.

I see, said the doctor. Would you like to go away to school? he asked.

Oh, yes...I told him.

The doctor looked at me again and then he left the room.

He talked to Mrs Reed for a long time. They decided to send me away to school.

So not long afterwards, I left my aunt house to go to school.

Mrs Reed and my cousins were pleased when I went away,

Perhaps I will be happy at school, I thought.

One night in January, after a long journey, I arrived at Lowood School.

It was dark and the weather was cold, windy and rainy.

The school was very large but it was not warm and comfortable like Mrs Reed house.

A teacher took me into a big room. It was full of girls.

There were about eighty girls there.

The youngest girls were nine and the eldest were about twenty.  They all wore ugly Brown dresses.

It was supper time There was wáter to drink and a small piece of bread to eat.

I was thirsty and drank some wáter.

I could not eat anything because I felt too tired and too excited.

After supper all the girls went upstairs to bed.

The teacher took me into a very long room.

All the girls slept in this room.

Two girls had to sleep in each bed.

Early in the morning, I woke up.

It was still dark outside and the room was very cold.

The girls washed themselves in cold wáter and put on their Brown dresses.

Then everybody went downstairs and the early morning lesson began....

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2018

Jane Eyre.-

My name is Jane Eyre and my story begins when I was ten.

I was living with my aunt, Mrs Reed because my mother and father were both dead.

Mrs Reed was rich.

Her house was large and beautiful.

But I was not happy there.

Mrs Reed had three children...Eliza, John and Georgiana.

My cousins were older tan I.

They never wanted to play with me and they were often unkind. I was afraid of them.

I was almost afraid of my cousin John .

He enjoyed frightening me and making me feel unhappy.

One afternoon I hid from him in a small room.

I had a book with a lot of pictures in it and I felt very happy.

John and his sisters were with their mother.

But then John decided to look for me.

Were is Jane ? he shouted.-Jane,come out.

He could not find me at first.he was not quick or clever.

But then Eliza who was clever, found me hiding place.

Here she is, she shouted.

I had to come out and John was waiting for me.

What do you want? I asked him.

I want you to come here, John said.

I went and stood in front of him.

He looked at me for a long time and then suddenly he hit me.

I was very frightened.

I knew taht John wanted to hurt me.

I went and stood near the door.

Then John picked up a large and heavy book and trew it straight at me.

The book hit me on the head and I fell.

You cruel boy, I shouted.

You always want to hurt me.

Look, I touched my head.

There was blood on it.

John became angrier.

He ran across the room and started to hit me again and again.

I was hurt and afraid, so I hit him back.

viernes, 5 de enero de 2018

Kino and Juana return home.

Everyone in the town remembers the return of Kino and Juana.

Some old people saw them come back. 

Other people were told by their fathers and grandfathers a long time later.

But everyone rememebers the day.

Late one afternoon some Little boys ran into the town with the news.

Everyone came out of theirs houses to see Kino and Juana.

The sun was going down and the shadows on the ground were long.

Everyone remembers Kino and Juana and the long black shadows.

Kino and Juana came from the Sandy road into the town.

Kino was not walking in front of Juana.

They were walking side by side.

The sun was behind them and their lomg shadows were in front.

Kino had a rifle in his hand and Juana carried her shawl over her shoulder like a heavy bag.

Juana face was hard and covered with lines because she was so tired.

Her wide open eyes seemed to see nothing.

Kino lips were thin and his mouth was shut tight.

People say that Kino looked as dangerous as a wild animal that day.

Kino and Juana walked through the town but they did not anything.

Their eyes did not look to the right or to the left.

The people stood back to let Kino and Juana  pass.

Kino and his wife walked past their burnt house, but they did not look at it.

Then Kino put the rifle down, put his hand in his pocket and took out the large Pearl.

Kino looked and remembered all the terrible things that had happened.

In the Pearl Kino saw cruel faces and flames burning up.

Kino saw Coyotito lying in the cave with blood on his head.

Kino lifted out his arm and threw the Pearl as far as he could.

Kino and Juana watched the Pearl shining in the evening sun.

They saw the Pearl drop into the sea.

The Surface of the sea was like a Green mirror.

The pearl went down into the Green wáter..


The Pearl went down through the seaweed and fell among the plants in the sand.

The Pearl lay o the floor of the sea.

And the Pearl was gone.