domingo, 6 de agosto de 2017

What´s for dinner?

-What´s for dinner? Tim asked.

-I'm going to fry some fish-Pat answered.

-I don't want any fish-Tim said.- I had fish for lunch.We can go to a restaurant this evening.

-That´s a good idea- Pat answered.

Tim And Pat went to a restaurant.

They sat at a table and a waiter brought them a menu.

-I want some roast beef-Tim said-What do you want Pat?

-I want a veal cop-Pat said.

Tim turned to the waiter.

-One roast beef and a veal chop, please. And we want some potatoes and peas-he said.

-I am sorry, sir-the waiter said-We haven´t any roast beef and we haven´t any veal chops.

-But they are on the menu-Tim said angrily.

-Im sorry, sir-the waiter said-That is yesterday´s menu..

-What do you suggest? -Tim asked.

-Well, sir-the waiter said-We have some nice fresh fish.

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