domingo, 27 de enero de 2019

Nadie lo sabe.-Giselle Nerina Suárez.-

Nadie lo sabe

Nadie lo sabe.nadie conoce nuestro secreto, nos encontramos a escondidas, por la noche.Siempre que te busco, te encuentro...y ahí estás, lejos pero presente.No hay nada que me guste más que mirarte, que observarte, que admirarte. Tu resplandor me ilumina y me llena de esperanza y no hay romanticismo sin tu presencia.Siento que controlás mis pasos, que combinás los momentos más especiales, más inolvidables. Tu marca está por encima de mi alcance, en un mundo que es imposible de abarcar por lo imposible de su hermosura. Hay veces que te partís, te fraccionás, pero aunque sea minimo el aporte estás como diciéndome...hoy también te acompaño. Sabés lo primero que hago ? Buscarte, me encanta localizarte y que luego camines conmigo para no dejarme sola cuándo en realidad lo estoy. Sabés lo primero que siento ? que sin vos nunca volvería a enamorarme como aquella vez, porque desde el principio de la historia estuviste conmigo. y sé que cuando te ocultes, también se ocultará este amor. Tu blancura es inigualable, tu belleza indiscutible, tu magia tan grande como el firmamento, tu hechizo tan profundo como el azul del cielo, tu calidez la que me ayuda a seguir, tan vos y de él, mezcla de tibiezas y circunstancias, combinación justa para el entorno de nuestro mundo compartido, en aquéllas noches, vos mi luna y el, mi gran amor.


It is eight o clock.-

The sun is shining in the sky,
It is a happy, lovely day.
It is eight o clock in the morning
And it is time to be on my way.
On my way.

It is eight o clock in the morning
The sky is so bright and clear
It is eight o clock in the morning
And it is time to be leaving here
leaving here.

It is eight o clock in the morning
It is another happy day
It is eight o clock in the morning
And it is time to be on my way
On my way.-

sábado, 26 de enero de 2019

A ti. Irma Haydee Pereyra.-

Sentado junto al fuego que alimenta mi alma, a la hora del crepúsculo, cuando se une toda la Naturaleza, cuando el horizonte lejano se acerca a su fuego abrasador, cuando se encuentran la luna y el sol en una cita imposible. escribo estas líneas de amor.

A ti, niña morena, hechicera, doncella de ébano, cimbreada de danzas eróticas, diosa del calor ecuatorial, de dientes perfectos, embrión de la sonrisa que invita al placer.

A ti, niña de transparente blancura, de cabellos del color del pan en mi mesa de hombre solitario, sediento de tus labios virgenes con sabor a frambuesa salvaje de las campiñas, ojos del color de manso río que invita a sumergirse en ellos.

A ti, geisha, dueña del sol de Oriente, ese que nace en tus amaneceres velando el misterio de lo prohibido. De ojos oblicuos como si hubieran nacido entornados para que no penetren, en tu alma pura, los pecados carnales del hombre.

Y a ti, sueño de mis noches, pasión de mis desvelos, amor intangible que retiene mi manos, figura incorpórea que ciega mis ojos . A ti, llama de mis inviernos, oasis de mis veranos, esta pasión que desangra mis venas haciendo más lenta mi muerte.

                                                                               Una sombra-

A prisoner.-

Radio....this morning. The escaped prisoner is a man. His name is Henry Smith. He 's got birg eyes, a big mouth and a big nose. The pólice want to catch him.He has not got any money. but he has got a gun and he is dangerous.

Arthur     hummm Ethel!

Ethel       Yes?

Arthur     The pólice want a man. His name is Henry Smith.

Ethel       Oh yes ?

Arthur    Yes. He has got big eyes.

Ethel       ohh!!!

Arthur    And he has got a big mouth and a big nose, too.

Ethel     Ohhh !

Ethel      Arthur! There is a man at the door.

Arthur    Oh yes! Oh , go and open the door.

Ethel       But he has got big eyes.

Arthur     Big eyes?

Ethel        Yes, and he has got a big mouth and a big nose.

Arthur      Has he got any money?

Ethel        I cannot see if he has got any money.

Arthur     Oh no. Well, has he got a gun?

Ethel       I cannot see a gun.

Arthur    Oh?

Ethel     But perhaps he has one.

Ethel     ohh Arthur, Come and see.

Arthur    er...ah...yes, ok.

Arthur   Ethel. what has he got in his hand?

Ethel     some milk, Arthur.

Arthur    Yes, Ethel. Some milk. That is not Henry Smith.

Ethel      No ?

Arthur    No, It is the milkman.

Ethel     ohhh!!!

Arthur   ha ha the milkman ! I cannot see a gun...but perhaps he has got one.

Ethel    Arthur! There is a man at the door.

Arthur   Is it the milkman again?

Ethel    No.

Arthur   It is not the milkman?

Ethel     No.

Arthur    Is it Henry Smith, the escaped prisoner?

Arthur    Has he got big eyes ?

Ethel     Yes , he has.

Arthur     Has he got a big mouth ?

Ethel       Yes, he has.

Arthur      Has he got a big nose ?

Ethel        yes, he has.

Arthur     Has he got any money ?

Ethel       No, but he has got a gun.

Arthur     He has got a gun. oh ! Do not open the door, Ethel, Do not open the door…

Smith     Excuse me . I am Henry Smith, the escaped prisoner and I am very thirsty. Have you got any milk ?

A y E     Milk ?

Smith     Yes. The  milkman has not got any left.

lunes, 21 de enero de 2019

Alan Snow.-

J                                                Alan ! Alan! It is seven o clock

A                                                 Seven o clock?

J                                                    Yes, It is time to get up.

A                                                   Time to get up ?

J                                                     It is time to go to work.

A                                                   Time to go to work?

J                                                    Yes, it is Friday and it is time to go to work.

A                                                   Friday? It is not Friday.

J                                                       Not Friday?

A                                                    No, It is Saturday. It is the weekend. It is a holiday.

J                                  It is not Saturday. It is Friday. It is not a holiday and it is time to go to work.

A                                                   It is not Friday. Turn on the radio.

R                              It is seven o clock, on 31 st October, and here is a summary of the news.

A                                              Yes, but what day is it ?

J                                               It is the milkman. I Will ask him what day it is.

A                                                        All right. But it is Saturday. It is not Friday.

Milkman                                          Good morning.

J                                                       Good morning.

Milkman                                           Your milk, Mrs Snow.

J                                                         Thank you.

Milkman                                          That is thirty five pence.

J                                                      Thirty five pence.

Milkman                                       Yes, for milk for one week.

J                                                     Here you are

Milkman                                       Thank you.

J                                                    What day is it today ?

Milkman                                       Friday, the thirty first.

J                                                    Thank you, good bye,

J                                                   Alan ! get up, It is Friday, no Saturday.

A                                                 Friday ?

J                                                  Yes, Friday the thirty first.

A                                                  The thirty first?

J                                                    Yes, Get up It is time to go to work.

A                                                 Oh no it is not.

J                                                      It is not ?

A                                                  It is the thirty first today. It is a holiday.

J                                                   A holiday ?

A                                               Yes. It is a holiday and I am going back to sleep.

lunes, 7 de enero de 2019

An English song.-

We have got a happy song.

It is not very long

But we have not any money to spare.

I have got you, you have got me.

Open your eyes, and you can see...

We have got brothers an sisters everywhere

Have you got a watch ?

Have you got a gun ?

Have you got a million pounds ?

Have you got one ?

I have not a watch.

I have not a gun,

I have not a million pounds,

I have not got one.

We have got a hapy song.

It is not very long.

But we have not got any money to spare.

I have got you, you have got me...

Open your eyes, and you can see..

We have got brothers and sisters everywhere.

jueves, 3 de enero de 2019


-Then surrender, coward. We ll keep you like a moster in a show. Everyone Will come to look at you. We ll write a sign, come and see the tyrant!

-I cant surrender. I cant Kiss the ground before Malcom s feet.

Macbeth picked up his sword again.- It is over, Birman Wood has come to Dunsinane, Macduff was not born of woman. I ll fight and die like a King...he cried as he attacked Macduff.

Macduff was strong. He was filled with hate for the murderer of his wife and children. Macbeth was weaker now he understood that the witches prophecy was a trik. The men fought on.

In Macbeth s castle, Malcom, Siward nd the thanes were waiting for news.

-I hope our Friends are safe, said Malcom.

-Some Will die and some Will return, said one of the thanes philosophically.

Malcom looked around the hall...-Macduff is missing Siward s son is mising.

Ross had news of Siward s son.-Your son, my Lord. has paid a soldier s debt.

-So, said Steward, my son is dead. Did he fight bravely?

-Oh, yes, he did. Macbeth killed him on the battlefield.

-Then he died a proud and happy death.

-I ll pray for him, said Malcom.

-Go be with him! said Siward.

There was still no news of Macduff or Macbeth. Malcom and the thanes were outside on the battlements. They could hear some noise from the battle, although it was difficult to see what was happening. Suddenly they Heard soldiers cheering in one corner of the batllefield.

-What is it ? cried Malcom.-Why are they cheering?

-It is Macduff! cried Ross.

Macduff walked slowly across the battlefield towards the castle. He was pulling something behind him. It was the dead body of Macbeth.

-Hail, Malcom! King of Scotland!cried Macduff

-The tyrant s dead!come soldiers, Macbeth is dead. Long live Malcom, King of Scotland!

The soldiers put down their swords and joined Macduff.

-Hail Malcom! King of Scotland !

-Hail Malcom! King of Scotland !

From the Battlements the new King Malcom raised his arms and the army was silent.

-Brave men, thanes and generals, he called

.The cruel Tyrant, Macbeth is dead. His body is lying there on the battlefield.

His wife, his partner is cruelty, the Queen has killed herself, Macduff Steward and the thanes have won the Batlle. As their reward, they Will be Earls of Scotland, not thanes. And there is only one thing left to do. I mus thank you, each and every one, and invite you all to Scone.

There  in the ancient palace, where Scottish kings are always crowned, I too Will be crowned King.

There was a loud cheer from the army on the battlefield and the thanes on the battlements.

-Hail Malcom! King of Scotland !

-Hail Malcom ! King of Scotland !

                                                                         The End.-