jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2017


My son will go to school- he said.and the neighbours were silent.

Juana looked in surprise.

Her eyes were bright as she loked at Kino.

Then she looked down quickly at Coyotito in her arms.

Could all this true...she thought.

My son will open books and read. Kino continued. My son will learn to write and know about writing.

Coyotito will learn numbers too. These things will make us all free, because Coyotito knows, then we will all know.

Kino looked into the Pearl again.

He saw himself and Juana sitting by the fire in the Little wooden house, while Coyotito was Reading from a big book.

The Pearl will do all these things, Kino said.

Kino had never spoken so many words in his life and suddenly he was afraid of his talking.

Kino´s hand covered the Pearl because he was so afraid.

They Knew that they had seen something great.

They Knew that they would talk about Kino and the Pearl for many years.

If Kino dreams did not come true, the neighbours would say something diferent.

They would say that a foolish madness had entered Kino and that he had spoken many foolish words.

Kino looked down at his closed hand.

The skin was White where he had hit the doctor gate.

The evening was coming and it was getting dark.

Juana carried the baby in her shawl.

Juana carried the baby in her shawl.

She went and put some small pieces of  Wood on the fire...

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