Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes la letra de una canción en inglés que me parece entretenida....
It s the postman.-
There s a man I m waiting for
There s a man I want to see
Who is it ? Who is it ? Who can it be ?
It s the postman, It s the postman,
He s the man I want to see
Cos I m waiting for the letter,
That he s bringing straght to me.
There s a man I want to see.
Who is it ? Who is it ? Who can it be ?
It s the milkman, It s the milkman.
He s the man I want to see.
Cos I m waitting for some milk.
For my morning cup of tea.
The milkman and the postman,
They re the men we want to see.
For my letter
And the milk for our morning cup of tea.
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