After a lon silence, he said...I suppose you fellows remember I did once turn fresh-water sailor for a bit.
Then we knew we were fated to hear about one of Marlow s inconclusive experiences.
" You ought to know how I got out there, what I saw, how I went up that river to the place where I first met the por chap.I had then just returned to London after six years of travelling. After a bit I did get tired of resting.
"When I was a Little chap I had a passion for maps. I would look at them for hours, and lose myself all the glories of explorations. I would put my finger on an interesting place and say…"When I grow up I Will go there"
But there was one place, the biggest. It had got filled since my boyhood with rivers and lakes and names. It had ceased to be a blank space of delightul mystery. It had become a place of darkness, But there was in it one river especially, a mighty big river, that you could see on the map, resembling an immense snake uncoiled, with its head in the sea, and its tail lost in the depths of the land.
Then I remembered there was a big Company for trade on the river. Why shouldn t I work for it ? The snake had charmed me.
" I felt someone I must get there by hook or by crook. So I, Charlie Mrlow, set a woman to get a job. I had an aunt, a dear enthusiastic soul. She knew teh wife of a very high personaje in the Administration, and also a man who had lots of influence.
I got my appointment-of course, very quick. It appears the Company had received news that one of their captains had been killed in a scuffle with the natives. This way my chance, and it made me the more anxious to go.
domingo, 28 de julio de 2019
miércoles, 24 de julio de 2019
Heart of Darkness.-Joseph Conrad. -2.-
The Chapman lighhouse shone strongly
And this also...said Marlow suddenly, has been one of the dark places of the Earth…
He was the only man of us who still followed the sea. He was a seaman, but he was a wanderer, too. His remark was accepted in silence.
" I was thinking of very old times, when the Romans first came here, nineteen hundred years ago. Imagine the feelings of a comander of a trereme in the Mediterranean, ordered suddenly to the north, put in charge of one of these craft the legionaries used to build, apparently by the hundred, in a month or two. if we may believe what we read. Imagine him here-the very end of the world, and going up this river, no much to eat, only the Thames wáter to drink. Here and there a military camp lost in a wilderness. They must have been dying like flies here. They were men enough to face the darkness. There s no initiation into such mysteries. They have to live in the midst of the incomprensible, which is also detesable. Imagine the growing regrets , the longing to escape, the powerless disgust, the surrender, the hate "
He paused.
"Mind", he began again. " Mind, none of us would fell exactly like this. What saves us is efficiency-the devotion to efficiency. But these chaps were not colonists. They were conquerors and for that you want only brute forcé- nothing to boast of, when you have it, since your strengh is just an accident arising from the weakness of others. The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexión or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much "
And this also...said Marlow suddenly, has been one of the dark places of the Earth…
He was the only man of us who still followed the sea. He was a seaman, but he was a wanderer, too. His remark was accepted in silence.
" I was thinking of very old times, when the Romans first came here, nineteen hundred years ago. Imagine the feelings of a comander of a trereme in the Mediterranean, ordered suddenly to the north, put in charge of one of these craft the legionaries used to build, apparently by the hundred, in a month or two. if we may believe what we read. Imagine him here-the very end of the world, and going up this river, no much to eat, only the Thames wáter to drink. Here and there a military camp lost in a wilderness. They must have been dying like flies here. They were men enough to face the darkness. There s no initiation into such mysteries. They have to live in the midst of the incomprensible, which is also detesable. Imagine the growing regrets , the longing to escape, the powerless disgust, the surrender, the hate "
He paused.
"Mind", he began again. " Mind, none of us would fell exactly like this. What saves us is efficiency-the devotion to efficiency. But these chaps were not colonists. They were conquerors and for that you want only brute forcé- nothing to boast of, when you have it, since your strengh is just an accident arising from the weakness of others. The conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexión or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much "
martes, 16 de julio de 2019
Heart of Darkness.-Joseph Conrad.-1.-
The Nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor, and was at rest.
The sea.reach of the Thames stretched before us like the beginning of an interminable waterway.
The air was dark above Gravesend.
The Director of Companies was our Captain and our host. He resembled a pilot, which to a seaman is trustworthiness personified.
Between us there was the bond of the sea. Besides holding our hearts together through lon periods of separation, it had the effect of making us tolerant of each others yarns and even convictions, The Lawyer-the best of old fellows. was lying on the only rug. The Accountant had brought out already a box of dominoes.
Marlow sat cross-legged. He had sunken cheedks, a yellow complexión, a straight back. The Director, satisfied the anchor had good hold, sat down amongst us. We exchanged a few words lazily.
Afterwards there was silence on board the yacht. We did not begin that game of dominoes. We left meditative and like doing nothing.
The sun set. The dusk fell on the stream and lights began to appear along the shore.
The sea.reach of the Thames stretched before us like the beginning of an interminable waterway.
The air was dark above Gravesend.
The Director of Companies was our Captain and our host. He resembled a pilot, which to a seaman is trustworthiness personified.
Between us there was the bond of the sea. Besides holding our hearts together through lon periods of separation, it had the effect of making us tolerant of each others yarns and even convictions, The Lawyer-the best of old fellows. was lying on the only rug. The Accountant had brought out already a box of dominoes.
Marlow sat cross-legged. He had sunken cheedks, a yellow complexión, a straight back. The Director, satisfied the anchor had good hold, sat down amongst us. We exchanged a few words lazily.
Afterwards there was silence on board the yacht. We did not begin that game of dominoes. We left meditative and like doing nothing.
The sun set. The dusk fell on the stream and lights began to appear along the shore.
lunes, 8 de julio de 2019
Carta-Stella Maris Antello.-
A Johana Noeli
Hola! necesitaba decirte que te extraño, que...bueno, te lo digo...siento celos de tu Alejandro.
A veces juego a creer que me preferís a mí, pero cuando a todo le ponés el nombre de él, me doblo hasta la pena, la gota más diminuta de mi sangre grita de desesperación, el último rincón de mi ser se estremece de dolor.
Acaso, quién te dice, sea ésta la forma en que -no vos, sino la vida- me cobre el haberte hecho sufrir. No sé si servirá mucho- el dolor ya te lo causé- pero te lo cuento.
Yo sólo quería demostrarte que si no estabas me sentiría extraña, te extrañaría, como la noche extraña el día, como las gotas de lluvia el otoño, como las flores el sol, como la risa el llanto y ya ves, solo logré hacerte sentir que yo te dejaba.No, mi amor, no, jamás te dejaría ni te dejaré. Qué estúpida sinrazón. Cuánto miedo de llamar al amor AMOR.
Soy mujer adulta a partir de vos, a partir de tus ternuras, de tus miradas, de tus bromas inocentes, de tus gestos tiernos, de toda esa complicidad que nos une, de nuestras necesidades silenciadas sólo por el acto de la presencia física, de tu amor abierto y de toda la despreocupada autenticidad.
Mientras mi ser adulto te reclama, mi ser niña te juega a las escondidas, a la mancha, a la pelota, a inventar que somos grandes, a dibujarnos un mundo de fantasías y allí donde mis recuerdos hacen ruido a almidones rasgados, un duende amigo me trae los lejanos sueños de una niña, esa que ya no soy-gracias a vos- que me enseñaste que lindo era, que bueno es, jugar, reírnos, pelearnos, extrañarnos.
Pero eso cuándo a solas pienso en vos y eso me dibuja en la cara la sonrisa más tierna, más hermosa, siento miedo de tu Alejandro, Yoyi lo querés ? No, no me lo digas, prefiero no saberlo. Yo te mao. Te amo y no me importa tener cuarenta y tantos años, porque mi amor es de otros tiempos, de otros cielos, del país de las maravillas de Alicia, y aunque llegue la noche de las narices frías, tu serás mi Bella.
Te ama, Tía Stella.
Hola! necesitaba decirte que te extraño, que...bueno, te lo digo...siento celos de tu Alejandro.
A veces juego a creer que me preferís a mí, pero cuando a todo le ponés el nombre de él, me doblo hasta la pena, la gota más diminuta de mi sangre grita de desesperación, el último rincón de mi ser se estremece de dolor.
Acaso, quién te dice, sea ésta la forma en que -no vos, sino la vida- me cobre el haberte hecho sufrir. No sé si servirá mucho- el dolor ya te lo causé- pero te lo cuento.
Yo sólo quería demostrarte que si no estabas me sentiría extraña, te extrañaría, como la noche extraña el día, como las gotas de lluvia el otoño, como las flores el sol, como la risa el llanto y ya ves, solo logré hacerte sentir que yo te dejaba.No, mi amor, no, jamás te dejaría ni te dejaré. Qué estúpida sinrazón. Cuánto miedo de llamar al amor AMOR.
Soy mujer adulta a partir de vos, a partir de tus ternuras, de tus miradas, de tus bromas inocentes, de tus gestos tiernos, de toda esa complicidad que nos une, de nuestras necesidades silenciadas sólo por el acto de la presencia física, de tu amor abierto y de toda la despreocupada autenticidad.
Mientras mi ser adulto te reclama, mi ser niña te juega a las escondidas, a la mancha, a la pelota, a inventar que somos grandes, a dibujarnos un mundo de fantasías y allí donde mis recuerdos hacen ruido a almidones rasgados, un duende amigo me trae los lejanos sueños de una niña, esa que ya no soy-gracias a vos- que me enseñaste que lindo era, que bueno es, jugar, reírnos, pelearnos, extrañarnos.
Pero eso cuándo a solas pienso en vos y eso me dibuja en la cara la sonrisa más tierna, más hermosa, siento miedo de tu Alejandro, Yoyi lo querés ? No, no me lo digas, prefiero no saberlo. Yo te mao. Te amo y no me importa tener cuarenta y tantos años, porque mi amor es de otros tiempos, de otros cielos, del país de las maravillas de Alicia, y aunque llegue la noche de las narices frías, tu serás mi Bella.
Te ama, Tía Stella.
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