jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017

These robots help !

How often do you clean your house? Once a week ?
Twice a month ? Never?

Well, these two robots clean the house for you.

The robots Roomba turns rightor left, and vacuums while you watch Tv or exercise.

Take a nap, and the house is clean when you get up.

And if you want to wash the floor, the robots Scooba washes the floor for you.

The Scooba moves around corners and washes the floor while you listen to music or check your e mail.

Now that's help with household chores!

miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

Elena and Martina.-

Elena and Martina are looking for new clothes.

They´re at fashionistas, a nwe clothes store.

They need clothes for work.

Elena is a manager and Martina is a musician.

Elena's suit is old, and she needs a new one.

She wants new shoes too.

Marina needs a black dress for a concert on Saturday.

Fashionistas has a black suit, a gray suit, a Brown suit, and a red suit in Elena'size.

She likes the gray suit.

Fashionistas has a short dress and a long dress in black.

Marina wants the short dress.

The long dress is very expensive.

Fashionistas does not have shoes.

Elena says 'look! There's a shoe store across the street'

jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

A day in the country.-

Last August we decided to drive into the country.

There were a lot of cars on the road so it took us a long time to find a quiet place.

We got our food out of the car and sat down near a path at the foot of a hill.

Soon afterwards, we Heard bells ringing and we had to run back to the car.

About two hundred sheep were coming down the path !

miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017

The church.-

After the war our church was in a very bad condition.

So we decided to build a modern one at the top of a hill just outside the town.

We used many different kinds of materials.

We built the walls of Stone and glass, the heavy doors of Wood and metal.

From the top of the church there is a wonderful view.

You can see the entire town and countryside for miles around.

People from all parts of the country visit the church every day.

It is such an interesting building.

martes, 14 de noviembre de 2017

Mr Dawson.-

Mr Dawson is the head of a large Company. The other day, he was talking to his son.

'Well Peter' he said 'you finished school five months ago.

You really must think about the future.

There are fine opportunities  in the business for a clever Young man like you.

You will son get experience.

'Who knows, in twenty years'time you may even have a position like mine.  Of course, a Little hard work will be necesary'

'yes, father' replied Peter'but I don't want to work hard. I want to be an actor!'

lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2017

Children next door.-

The children next door often play football in the garden and sometimes break my Windows.

Last Saturday afternoon I stayed at home and read a book. Last Saturday afternoon I stayed at home and read a book.

After a while, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

A sound at the door made me get up quickly.

Soon a Little boy appeared.

'Not one of my Windows again?"I asked.

'Oh, no! answered the boy.

' your window was open this time and our ball is in your bed- room. May we get it please ?'

Historias de amor de la historia argentina-Lucía Gálvez.-

Hoy conoceremos la historia de amor de Mariquita Sánchez y Martín Thompson.

Antiguamente, se querían evitar los matrimonios desiguales en fortuna o condición social.

El amor no era considerado un requisito indispensable para la unión conyugal.

Por ejemplo, el padre-generalmente apoyado por el poder civil-quería impedir matrimonios desiguales en fortuna o raza.

Se fomentaban estudios y prácticas de artes y oficios, ejemplo, ayudando a los agricultores.

Pongamos atención en la historia de Mariquita Sánchez, nacida en 1786.

Era una andaluza acriollada de rostro suave, con rulos castaños oscuro y ojos negros.

A los 14 años, le presentaron a un sobrio de su mujer.

Éste hombre era Diego de Arco, español y comerciante, mucho mayor que ella.

Su casa estaba situada en la calle San José y era uno de los más elegantes de Buenos Aires. Cabe resaltar que la familia también tenía otra casa en Recoleta.

La protagonista de ésta historia, había tenido un encuentro desde su infancia con su primo segundo Martín Thompson, nueve años mayor que ella.

El joven era muy atractivo y bastante romántico por cierto.

En ésta oportunidad Mariquita le escribe que querían casarla con otro, pero que ella siempre le sería fiel...

En 1805, Mariquita Sánchez en la Iglesia de la Merced daba le " sí" radiante a Martín Thompson.

Martín y Mariquita tuvieron años muy felices...las reuniones en lo de los Thompson eran muy concurridas.

Había tertulias dónde se escuchaba música mientras la conversación alternaba entre temas de actualidad y política en un ambiente culto y refinado.

Pero tiempo después, sucederá algo inesperado...

Mal alimentado y quizá deprimido, Martín Thompson no llegaría nunca a las costas de Buenos Aires.

Así en 1819 después de una sencilla ceremonia en alta mar, sus restos fueron alejados del agua.

Mariquita vivió muchos años más...

Finalmente le quedarían todavía seis años más para ir a reunirse en 1868 con el primer y gran amor de su vida....

A postman.-

I worked as a postman for a short time. But I am afraid of dogs and I had a lot of trouble.

One day, I tried to deliver a post-card to a big house.

I got off my bicycle and at once a large dog ran towards the gate.

It made a lot of noise and in the end I dropped the card in the garden.

The dog was a better postman tan I was !

sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2017

The young man.-

The Young man Heard a cry and turned round but he could not see anybody.

At the same moment, a boy ran up to him and pointed towards the river.

They both ran along the river bank and after a short time, they saw a girl in the water.

The girl was holding on to a piece of Wood, but the river was Deep and it was carring her away.

The man acted quickly,

He took off his coat at once, jumped into the water, and saved the girl's life.


It is still Winter, but on Sunday the weather was fine.

We decided to go on a trip to the seaside.

The sun was bright and warm, but we did not go into the water.

It was too cold.

Instead, we walked along the shore and looked at the ships.

In the evening we returned home.

Then a strong wind began to blow and it began to rain.

So we sat round a warm fire.

We did not mind about the weather at all.

viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2017


It is January 10th. Today Jane is seventeen years of age. She is wearing a pretty new dress.

It is blue and White.

Jane is having  a party today and she is expecting all her Friends to come.

They are going to arrive in a short time.

They are going to bring many beautiful presents with them.

Jane's mother has prepared a lot of nice things to eat and drink.

The Young people are going to play games, sing, dance and listen to music.

They will have a wonderful time together.

jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2017

My friend.-

I have a fríend in England.

His name is Ken Roberts.

I know him very well, but I have never met him.

We often write to each other.

My letters are very short.

It is still hard for me to write in English.

I received a letter from Ken yesterday.

It made me very happy.

He is coming to my country for a holiday next year.

We are going to see each other for the first time.

martes, 7 de noviembre de 2017

Mr Johnson.-

Mr Johnson looked at his watch. It was half past seven. He got out of bed quickly.

Then he washed and dressed. He was late as usual, so he did not have time for breakfast.

He ran all the way to the station and he arrived there just in time for the train.

Mr Johnson never eats anything in the morning.

He always says to his Friends at the office.

'It is nice to have breakfast in the morning, but it is nicer to lie in bed !

lunes, 6 de noviembre de 2017

The Homecoming.-

The Logan family was waiting for Susan at the airport. She finally arrived at 7OO pm and was greeted with affectionate hugs and kisses.

Susan hugged her sister, Amy, while her broter, Larry, smiled happily.

Her uncle Stephen stood in the doorway with a wide grin on his face.

Whit pleased expressions on their faces Susan'smother and her sister, Lucy, stood by watching her hugging Amy.

Her Young cousin, Alfred, peered curiously from his position in front of Larry, wondering what all the excitement was about! It was truly a happy occasion!

domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2017

Cumbres Borrascosas-Emily Bronte.

Podríamos decir que se trata de una historia dramática y trágica.

La obra comienza con la llegada de un niño, quién es criado por el padre de la familia desde Liverpool.

Este pequeño transformará por completo la tranquila vida de su familia adoptiva así como la de sus vecinos.

La causa es una historia de amor y venganza, de odio y locura, de vida y de muerte.

Es Catherine quién acabará casándose con el hijo de los Linton, Edgar, magistrado de la región.

" Cumbres Borrascosas " es una novela romántica, una venganza que se prolonga hasta el final.

La obra presenta dos temáticas principales...amor y venganza.

El amor se presenta en los amores de Catherine.

Heathcliff es un huérfano que fue recogido desde Liverpool y fue llevado a Cumbres Borrascosas a vivir con él.

Es ahí cuándo se enamora de Catherine.

La obra se desarrolla en los pantanos de Inglaterra.

El tiempo ambiental es afectado en algunas partes de la narración.

Estas resaltan los sentimientos y emociones de los personajes quiénes los experimentan.

El final de la obra de Cumbres Borrascosas es ambiguo.

Hay una carta que el protagonista le escribe a Catherine...Transcribiré algunas partes de la misma...

" (...) esta noche he escuchado salir de tu boca las confesiones más amargas que jamás escucharé, las únicas que podrían hacer más miserable el resto de mi existencia y que me harán desear dejar mi alma e ir con Satanás "

Aquí termino esta especie de introducción y descripción de la novela que espero sea de tu agrado...

Future Prospects.-

From Ernest's point of view, the interview was going very well indeed.

Six days before, he had applied for a job with a small business company and now he was being interviewed by one of the directors.

The adverstisement had invited applications from ambitious Young men who would be willing to travel abroad at short  notice if necessary and who would not mind working irregular hours.

Ernest had taken great Paint not to say anything silly and the director seemed to be most impresed.

"You say, you are not married Mr Reeves", the director said.

"No, Sir" Ernest answered " I'm getting married next June, but I' m sure my future wife won´t have any objection to my keeping irregular hours"

"I see from your application form you have worked as a salesman for two years. Why do you wish to change your job now?"

"I found the work too dull, sir" Ernest answered.

" That´s a refreshing change" the director said. " Most young men these das seem to want dull Jobs.

The first question Young men ask me is whether the job I'm offering carries a pension.

They want to retire before they start!

Does the job cary a pension, sir?" Ernest asked anxiously.

sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017

Well worth the money.-

While walking through the park, we stopped by the pond to watch some children who were sailing model boats.

There were so many boats in the pond that morning that quite a few people had gathered on the Banks  to see them.

Suddenly, someone shouted, There is a man in the pond!

We looked up and sure enough, a man's head could just be seen on the other side of the pond.

The man appeared to be swimmming vigorously and was coming straight towards us.

'He must be crazy' a Young man said 'I wouldn't dive into that pond for a fortune. And anyway it must be freezing cold'

The brackish water of the pond was certainly not inviting.

As it was still early March, the water must certainly have been very cold.

After a short time, the man approached the bank. The water was very shallow, so he walked the last few yards.

We were astonished to see that he was fully dressed.

Nice swim?  the Young man asked.

Nice swim my foot !!! the man remarked irritably. 'It is freezing. I did it for a bet !

miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017

A Spanish Holiday.-

When Alec returned to work last Monday, Bob asked him how he had spent his holiday.

You went to Spain, did not you ? Bob asked.

That is right-Alec answered. Three weeks in the sun now.

I have got a year work ahead of me. Still, I must say I enyojed myself.

I went swimming every day and I even saw a bullfight.

Did you? -Bob said-How was it ?

Very funny, really-Alec answered.

I have never thought of a bullfight as being funny-Bob remarked.

Well, this one was-Alec replied. The bullfighter was a showman. He arrived at the ring in a helicopter.

The helicopter circled round the ring a few times and then the bullfighter landed by parachute.

He landed almost in the middle of the ring just a few yards away from the bull. He was dressed in a splendid costume.

That must have been very impressive-Bob said.

I suppose it was-Alec answered. The trouble was thet the poor man did not know much about bullfighting. The bull went after him before he even managed to get his parachute off. He spent most of his time in the air.!